2025 Feb – New CHITF Grand Master – Ricardo Romero

Excellent! Your performance of your examination is more than I expected ! 
You still can jump and kick!!

General Choi said: “You teach with your body when you are young!
By mouth when you are old
By book when you are gone!!

SM Ricardo Romero, National of Commissioner of CHITF Argentina!

Good spirit! Please keep up your great works to promote the original TaeKwon-Do created by the Legendary Founder, as well as the hard work for the development of the Chan Hun International TaeKwon-Do Federation.

On behalf of the Chan Hun International TaeKwon-Do Federation (CHITF)Promotion Committee,  I am proud to announce :

You finally have achieved the highest level of the original TaeKwon-Do, with your lifetime achievement!
You are promoted to Grand Master, Black belt 9th Dan!!

SGM Phap Lu,9th Dan MBA, Examiner
President CHITF
February 28 2025