Since time immemorial, human beings have sought to study and understand themselves and the environment where all creatures live. From this universal study, different conceptions of the source of life have arisen. Some have mistakenly thought that matter sustains life. Religions, on the other hand, have believed that soul or spirit was essential to the sustenance of the physical body. In reality, the spiritual and physical are inseparable. Both spiritual presence and physical form are manifestations of an active, invisible, vital force. This force existed before the formation of the fetus and will exist after the body dies. It is a permanent, ascending every-present reality.
This wonderful force may be called God, Holy Spirit, Budha- Nature, Prana, etc. It means that the Absolute is neither good nor bad, exists everywhere in reality and is beyond space and time. Both space and time are only human limited conceptions. This vital force entering the body of living things in an endless force, tentatively called ENERGY.
Things we do not see and understand cannot be said to be nonexistent. Conversely, seeing, and understanding within the normal human limits is not sufficient to determine what exists or is real. Common perception is biased to the visible. Everything has life. while there is apparent life, there is also silent life. What is the germ of life in this small form if not cosmic energy.
In 1846 A SAINT, Venerable Grand Master Dr. Dasira Narada, was born in Sri Lanka. He has spent 18 years in Himalayas long famous mountains for his spiritual cultivation, he attained enlightenment. Venerable discovered the myth of this wonderful vital ENERGY.
Human beside rely on food and air for living, Heaven has structured a few very special devices in our organism called CHAKRAS in our body. These Chakras are for us to receiving cosmic energy from this universal system and have a point of contact with heaven. All human beings as well as other creatures are bathed in cosmic energy. These are heavenly made, since time immemorial no any Scientist or Scholar can tell or prove that how the human organism was made, it is a very complex and detailed structure. Our organism is structured in such a way that there is nothing neither superfluous nor insufficient.
A few of thousands years ago, Buddha, without using the microscrope, has ready proved and told us that there were tons of micro-creatures within our bowl of water. You should know the perfect sense and abilities of HEAVENLY. The Science and the advance IT development we are very proud of today IS just a kids-toys for Heaven.
As we mentioned to the Advanced development of our Science and materials in all aspects, they have brought all kinds of harms to mankind. For example: air- pollution, environmental damages, mankind has consume most of chemical-products food and living mindlessly in self-indulgence without realizing that they are living in ruin. They all live in an over-whelming materialism world. There is no moral or spiritual cultivation life at all. Living in a such mess conditions, all heavenly gifted Chakras are all gradually blogged. Before age of 40 some individuals immune system are still strong, they can still sustain for a period of time, but just a matter of time the roots of deceases will explode. We have seen the others are suffering with all kinds of deceases and illness. All this are caused by all Chakras are being blogged.
During Gen. Choi’s time, he always discussed with me that TaeKwon-Do has come to its maturity in the technical aspect, but in DO development we are still in a long way journey. Besides to strengthen our moral culture to be the top human beings, It seems that there are some dimensions beyond our physical reach and it will depend on the next generation to explore them through meditation.
A high level of a martial artist once he/she reaches the highest point of the physical aspect will naturally turn into the spiritual path for furthering cultivation. Ten years ago I have found this spiritual path from Saint Grand Master Dr. Dasira Narada. and his 4th general Masters: Nguyen Duc Thuan, Nguyen Ngoc Hai’s nurtured and guidance. Physically: The Meditation of Dr. Dasira Narada will help us to strengthen the internal power of our body through re-opened the Chakras. Spiritually: The Meditation will help one to further discover the universal life according to the level of the practitioner.
I will teach you this first exclusive historical CHITF DO MEDITATION Course for CHITF 4th Dan and up Professional Instructors ONLY in this coming November 26-28,2015 in KL, Malaysia which will be hosted by SM Rickie Low. I will explain the causes and how to help you to get six Chakras be re-opened.
Hopefully, you will not miss this life-time and first time historical CHITF DO Meditation course, and you will be benefit for this course.
Details of the course are as follows:
DATES: NOVEMBER 26-28, 2015
TIMES: Thursday- Friday; 7pm
Saturday 8am
CONTACT: SM Rickie Low,
CONDUCTORs: SGM Phap Ken Lu, 9th Dan
Sabum Dat Lu, CHITF International Commissioner-
Meditation/Spiritual Development
Conducted by SGM Phap Lu, 9TH Dan MBA
Time: SUNDAY OCTOBER 25,2015
Location: 2288 St. Joseph Blvd. Ottawa, Canada
1st Dan – 3rd Dan patterns 9AM- NOON
( all 4th dan and up holders are expected to join in)
fees: $60cdn
4th Dan – 8th Dan patterns 2pm-5pm
fees $80cdn
Dear CHITF Colleagues,
Since time immemorial, human beings have sought to study and understand themselves and the environment where all creatures live. From this universal study, different conceptions of the source of life have arisen. Some have mistakenly thought that matter sustains life. Religions, on the other hand, have believed that soul or spirit was essential to the sustenance of the physical body. In reality, the spiritual and physical are inseparable. Both spiritual presence and physical form are manifestations of an active, invisible, vital force. This force existed before the formation of the fetus and will exist after the body dies. It is a permanent, ascending every-present reality.
This wonderful force may be called God, Holy Spirit, Budha- Nature, Prana, etc. It means that the Absolute is neither good nor bad, exists everywhere in reality and is beyond space and time. Both space and time are only human limited conceptions. This vital force entering the body of living things in an endless force, tentatively called ENERGY.
Things we do not see and understand cannot be said to be nonexistent. Conversely, seeing, and understanding within the normal human limits is not sufficient to determine what exists or is real. Common perception is biased to the visible. Everything has life. while there is apparent life, there is also silent life. What is the germ of life in this small form if not cosmic energy.
In 1846 A SAINT, Venerable Grand Master Dr. Dasira Narada, was born in Sri Lanka. He has spent 18 years in Himalayas long famous mountains for his spiritual cultivation, he attained enlightenment. Venerable discovered the myth of this wonderful vital ENERGY.
Human beside rely on food and air for living, Heaven has structured a few very special devices in our organism called CHAKRAS in our body. These Chakras are for us to receiving cosmic energy from this universal system and have a point of contact with heaven. All human beings as well as other creatures are bathed in cosmic energy. These are heavenly made, since time immemorial no any Scientist or Scholar can tell or prove that how the human organism was made, it is a very complex and detailed structure. Our organism is structured in such a way that there is nothing neither superfluous nor insufficient.
A few of thousands years ago, Buddha, without using the microscrope, has ready proved and told us that there were tons of micro-creatures within our bowl of water. You should know the perfect sense and abilities of HEAVENLY. The Science and the advance IT development we are very proud of today IS just a kids-toys for Heaven.
As we mentioned to the Advanced development of our Science and materials in all aspects, they have brought all kinds of harms to mankind. For example: air- pollution, environmental damages, mankind has consume most of chemical-products food and living mindlessly in self-indulgence without realizing that they are living in ruin. They all live in an over-whelming materialism world. There is no moral or spiritual cultivation life at all. Living in a such mess conditions, all heavenly gifted Chakras are all gradually blogged. Before age of 40 some individuals immune system are still strong, they can still sustain for a period of time, but just a matter of time the roots of deceases will explode. We have seen the others are suffering with all kinds of deceases and illness. All this are caused by all Chakras are being blogged.
During Gen. Choi’s time, he always discussed with me that TaeKwon-Do has come to its maturity in the technical aspect, but in DO development we are still in a long way journey. Besides to strengthen our moral culture to be the top human beings, It seems that there are some dimensions beyond our physical reach and it will depend on the next generation to explore them through meditation.
A high level of a martial artist once he/she reaches the highest point of the physical aspect will naturally turn into the spiritual path for furthering cultivation. I have found this spiritual path from Grand Master Dr. Dasira Narada. Physically: The Meditation of Dr. Dasira Narada will help us to strengthen the internal power of our body through re-opened the Chakras. Spiritually: The Meditation will help one to further discover the universal life according to the level of the practitioner.
I will teach you this first exclusive historical CHITF DO MEDITATION Course for CHITF 4th Dan and up Professional Instructors ONLY in this coming November 26-28,2015 in KL, Malaysia which will be hosted by SM Rickie Low. I will explain the causes and how to help you to get six Chakras be re-opened.
Hopefully, you will not miss this life-time and first time historical CHITF DO Meditation course, and you will be benefit for this course.
Details of the course are as follows:
DATES: NOVEMBER 26-28, 2015
TIMES: Thursday- Friday; 7pm
Saturday 8am
CONTACT: SM Rickie Low,
CONDUCTORs: SGM Phap Ken Lu, 9th Dan
Sabum Dat Lu, CHITF International Commissioner-
Meditation/Spiritual Development
自盤古初開以來, 人類不斷研究和探討有關所有在地球萬物的生存環境與來由. 從這宇宙性的探討關于生命來源的不同觀点也冒起. 一些錯誤的想法是人生只是物質支撐生命. 死後什麼都沒有. 另一方面,宗教相信靈魂對于身体是主要的養料. 現實上肉体與精神是不可分的. 两者的存在是顯視出一種活躍無形與生命有關的力量. 這徽妙的力量在胎成之前存在和當肉体死亡後亦將会繼續存在. 它是永恆的和實在存在.
這微妙的力量可稱為上帝, 聖靈, 佛性, 靈氣等等. 意指是絕對性既不好也不壞. 它是超越時空實際存在于任何地方. 時空只是人類的觀念. 這徽妙的力量無止境地滲入所有生物, 暫時稱它為能量.
對于我們不見和不明的東西與事件不可說它不存在. 相反地, 凡人有限的見聞和認識不見得足够來判决它頁否存在. 萬物都有生命力, 有些是明顯但有些是寂靜. 它不是生命 胚芽是什么如果不是宇宙徽妙能量.
于1846年生于Sri Lanka的一位聖者Venerabal Grand Master Dr. Dasira Narada從Himalayas long famous mountains 修行十八載得道,他在山上經過很多艱苦的歲月成功地探討出這宇宙微妙神奇的能量.
人除靠着空氣和食物養生之外, 上天還給人類装備很幾个精明細節的穴位. 這些穴位是給我們用來吸取這微妙的宇宙能量和跟蒼天保持联糸的天綫. 所有生物以生俱來都有穴位來自然地吸取宇宙能量. 這是蒼天的締造, 由古至今科學界学術界也無可奉告和証驗出來人体確是怎樣構造出來, 它是一部很復雜精至机体, 這生物机体被構造得既不多餘也不缺少. 佛陀幾千年前不用顯微鏡己告知衆生碗水內育有許多微生物. 你就可想而知上天的神奇和萬能, 現今人類的科學進步對于上天只是小兒科.
說到科学和工業的發達, 它也帶來給入類很多危害, 例如空氣污染, 環境 破壞, 入放縱地亂飲亂食, 盡情地過着豪無心靈道德修養的拜崇物質生活. 加上生活上的精神壓力. 和惡念交差. 如此任性過活, 蒼天賜給人体的穴位就慢慢閉塞了. 四+歲之前那些人体的免疫系統還強盛的話還可撑持一段時間, 病根只等待時間爆發. 其他的我們看到現今世上多少奇難雜証, 人体穴道閉塞能量不通以至百病而生.
崔将軍在世時, 他老人家經常跟我討論和提及到跆拳在技術上己到了成熟階段, 但道之發展还有很長一段路. 除了為做人上人提升道德品格修養外, 它似乎還有另外多個空間以人類肉体是不可達之. 它须耍下一代從道禅之路去研究發展体驗.
一位武者當他在技術体能上達到高蜂時, 他會自然向心靈修養方面來研究和進展. 我幸運地在聖者Dr. Dasina Narada 的教導打開到这心靈之路. 在休能: 從開各穴位能打通血脈增強內力. 心霪: 道禪可肋武者隨程度修練而更上一層楼.
希望有緣者珍惜莫錯此良机. November 26-28,2015我會在KL, Malaysia 蒼軒國際跆拳道聯盟歷吏牲特别黑帶四段–九段道禪班, 我将會指導各位.
DATES: NOVEMBER 26-28, 2015
TIMES: Thursday & Friday from 7pm; Saturday from 8am
HOSTED BY: CHITF Malaysia SM Rickie Low,
Hi all,
Since the beginning of ancient times, mankind has been constantly studying and exploring the living environment and origin of all things on earth. From this cosmic exploration of different views on the origin of life also emerged. Some misconceptions are that life is just material support for life. Nothing after death. Religion, on the other hand, believes that the soul is the primary nourishment for the body. In reality, the physical and the spiritual are inseparable. The presence of both is a manifestation of a living, intangible, life-related force. This power exists before the birth and will continue to exist after physical death. It is eternal and existential.
This subtle force can be called God, Holy Spirit, Buddha Nature, Spiritual Qi and so on. Meaning is absolute, neither good nor bad. It is beyond time and space to actually exist anywhere. Time and space are just a human concept. This wonderful power permeates all living beings endlessly, and for the time being it is called energy.
For something we don’t see and don’t know about things and events we can’t say it doesn’t exist. Conversely, mortals’ limited sight and knowledge are not enough to judge whether it exists or not. Everything has a living force, some is obvious but some is silent. It is not life, what is the germ, if not the cosmic emblem energy.
Born in Sri Lanka in 1846, Venerabal Grand Master Dr. Dasira Narada was born in 1846 from the long famous mountains of Himalayas, where he successfully explored the subtle and magical energies of the universe.
In addition to living on air and food, God has also equipped human beings with several smart and detailed acupuncture points. These acupuncture points are for us to use to absorb this subtle cosmic energy and to stay connected with the heavens. All living beings are born with acupuncture points to naturally absorb cosmic energy. This is the creation of the heavens, and there is no way to comment or prove how the human body is really made from ancient times to the present day, it is a very complex body, and this biological body is neither surplus nor lacking. Thousands of years ago, the Buddha did not need to be seen by microscopes to inform himself that there were many microorganisms in the water of the bowl. You can imagine the miracle and omnipotence of God, and the scientific progress of mankind today is only a small child for God.
Speaking of the development of science and industry, it also brings many harms to the class, such as air pollution, environmental damage, indulgence in eating and drinking, and living a life of worship and material worship without conscious spiritual moral cultivation. Plus the mental pressure of life. and evil thoughts. In such a wayward way, the acupuncture points given to the human body by the heavens are slowly clogged. Before the age of four+, the body’s immune system is still strong and can last for a while, and the root cause of the disease only waits for time to erupt. Others we see how many strange and complex evidences in the world today, the human body’s acupuncture points are blocked, and the energy is blocked, and all kinds of diseases are born.
When General Cui was alive, he often discussed with me and mentioned that taekwondo had reached a mature stage in terms of technology, but there was still a long way to go in the development of the Tao. In addition to cultivating one’s moral character, it seems that there are many other areas that are inaccessible to the human flesh. It has to be studied and developed by the next generation on the path of Zen.
When a martial artist reaches the level of high bee in terms of technical and physical fitness, he will naturally study and progress in the aspect of spiritual cultivation. I was fortunate to be in the Holy Dr. Dasina Narada’s guru opens the way to this mind. In recuperation: From the opening of each acupuncture point can open up the blood veins and strengthen the internal force. Xinji: Dao Zen can be cultivated to the next level as the martial artist is cultivated.
I hope that some people will cherish this opportunity. November 26-28,2015I will be in KL, Malaysia Former Taekwondo Federation Special Black Belt 4th Dan – 9th Dan Zen Class, I will be instructing you.
The 1st Kazuki International Taekwondo Federation Special Black Belt 4th Dan – 9th Dan Zen Class:
DATES: NOVEMBER 26-28, 2015
TIMES: Thursday & Friday from 7pm; Saturday from 8am
HOSTED BY: CHITF Malaysia SM Rickie Low,